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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Who Can I Reach? - Bringing People to Christ with a Home Bible Study (Acts 28:17-31)

1. Start by inviting people you know of that may have an interest in spiritual things.  v. 17a

2. Explain who you are and what you are doing.  v. 17b-20

3. Live in such a way that your life will be a good witness and people will listen to what you have to say. v. 21-22a

4. Use the opportunity to dispel misunderstandings people have about Christ and Christianity.  v. 22b-23a

5. Use the Word of God (the Bible) as your textbook.  v. 23b

6. Recognize that some may become believers and some may not.  v. 24

7. Understand that if you are not as successful with one Bible study group as you would like that maybe God has another group of people for you to reach.  v. 25-29

8. Turn what may look like a bad situation into an opportunity to teach unbelievers about Christ. v. 30-31

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