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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Who Can I Reach? - Bringing People to Christ with a Home Bible Study (Acts 28:17-31)

1. Start by inviting people you know of that may have an interest in spiritual things.  v. 17a

2. Explain who you are and what you are doing.  v. 17b-20

3. Live in such a way that your life will be a good witness and people will listen to what you have to say. v. 21-22a

4. Use the opportunity to dispel misunderstandings people have about Christ and Christianity.  v. 22b-23a

5. Use the Word of God (the Bible) as your textbook.  v. 23b

6. Recognize that some may become believers and some may not.  v. 24

7. Understand that if you are not as successful with one Bible study group as you would like that maybe God has another group of people for you to reach.  v. 25-29

8. Turn what may look like a bad situation into an opportunity to teach unbelievers about Christ. v. 30-31

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Who Can I Reach? - Bringing an Unexpected Seeker to Christ (Acts 10:1 - 11:18)

We must understand:

1. There are people we don’t expect that are sincerely seeking after God.   (10:1-2)

2. God has a desire to connect us with people  that are seeking Him.  (10:3-8)

3. God is working in us to prepare us spiritually to connect with people that are not like us.  (10:9-28)

4. God will provide us with unexpected opportunities to speak the gospel to those who are ready to listen.  (10:29-33)
5. Preaching Jesus is the most important thing we can do for those who are seeking to be saved. (10:34-43)

6. When seekers become believers we must help them follow through and be discipled. (10:44-48)

7. We must expect and deal with opposition when unexpected seekers come to Christ. (11:1-17)

8. We should celebrate when unexpected seekers are bought to Christ. (11:18)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Who Can I Reach? --- Bringing an Acquaintance to Christ (Acts 16:22-34)

1. Be willing to set an example in an uncertain situation.  v. 22-24

2. Pray and sing to God as a witness to those around you.  v. 25

3. Set the right example no matter what happens.  v. 26-28

4. Speak calmly and reassuringly to give hope to those who are lost.  v. 28

5. Be the kind of person that a lost person will listen to about the gospel. v. 30

6. Focus on Jesus as you share the gospel with an acquaintance who shows an interest in the gospel.  v. 31

7. Show concern for the family of an acquaintance you are trying to reach for Christ.  v. 32

8. Show them how to follow through on their decision for Christ.  v. 33

9. Rejoice with those you have led to Christ about their decision. v. 34

Monday, March 6, 2017

Who Can I Reach? --- Bringing Family Members to Christ (John 1:35-42)

1. Remember that someone introduced you to Jesus. v. 35-36

2. Be a follower of Jesus yourself. v. 37

3. Go out of your way to learn all you can about Jesus. v. 38-39

4. Be concerned enough about your family members to think about bringing them to Jesus.  v. 40-41

5. Find out where your family members are …

     a. Physically  -  v. 41a

     b. Spiritually  -  v. 41b
6. Live the kind of life that will allow you to lead your family members to meet Jesus.  v. 42a
7. Pray that your family member will have his own personal encounter with Jesus.  v. 42b